Sunday, 30 January 2022

The Marriage of Chew Gaik Hoon And Ong Kok Hoo

Chew Gaik Hoon and Ong Kok Hoo

Chew Gaik Hoon, Photo: 
Robert Lew Lee. 
Chew Gaik Hoon, the second daughter of Chew Boon Juan was married to Ong Kok Hoo a relative of Goh Lian Kee Boon  Juans wife.

After their marriage in the 1920’s they went to Teluk Intan (Teluk Anson) to assist Chew Boon Juan who had property and rubber estates in the vicinity. 

The family of Ong's returned to Ipoh in the 30's and stayed initially at 61 Chamberlain Road before moving to the upstairs of Ban Hoe Seng at 62 and 64 Belfield Street.The children were Ong Choo Tin, Arthur Ong, Ong Choo See and Ong Choo Imm.

Staying together with the Ong’s at Ban Hoe Seng was Chew Gaik Ee, 6th daughter of Chew Boon Juan who married Yeoh Cheang Peng and family and Mrs Lim Cheng Keat nee Ong Seong Ngoh with her daughter Ninie Lim Siew Ean and grandmother Goh Lean Sim.

Cornelia Huang (l) with Yeoh Poh See at old Ban Hoe Seng, Belfield Street. Pix early 1950's

Elizabeth Ong Choò Tin, their first born daughter married Max Huang while she was still a teenager. According to cousin Yeoh Poh See, Huang asked for her hand at the marriage of Chew Gaik Swee. The couple ultimately settled in the United States. 

Max Huang and Ong Choo Tin

The marriage of Ong Choo Tin and Max Huang at the Burmah Road Gospel Hall , Penang

Aunts and bridesmaids at Choo Tins wedding.From left.Chew Gaik
Khim, Chew Gaik Heng,  Ong Choo Imm and Chew Gaik Swee

Their second daughter Ong Choo See married Goh Beng Teong.

Back row (from left) Leong Choo Hing h/o Choo Imm, Ong Choo Imm, Elizabeth Ong Choo Tin, Ong Choo See, Evelyn Goh Seok Ching, Goh Beng Teong h/o Choo See, Goh Seok May. Front row: Leong Chee Tuck, Leong Chee Keong, Chew Gaik Hoon, Goh Seok Kim, Anne Goh Seok Ling

Elizabeth Huang's family. Standing: Robert Lew Lee h/o Cornelia, Elizabeth Huang nee Ong Choo Tin, Max Huang Jr. Bottom: Cornelia Huang, Arthur Ong and May Goh Orr

Ong Choo Imm and Yeoh Poh See.
Taken in 2017 at Elim Gospel Hall.


Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Chew Gaik Khim .. Chew Boon San’s First Born Child

Chew Gaik Khim (right in dark clothing) d/o Chew Boon San and cousin Chew Gaik Kuan d/o Chew Boon Hong. Taken at the family's Cameron Highland's bungalow

Chew Gaik Khim a daughter was the 1st  born child of Chew Boon San and Toh Bok Wai. She together with her two brothers were born in China.  

Chew Boon San had 4 sons and 5 daughters. His 1st son was Chew Choo Beng, Chew Choo Peng, Chew Choo Khoon and Chew Choo Lek. His daughters were Chew Gaik Khim, Chew Gaik Khee (2), Chew Gaik Wooi (3), Chew Gaik Suan (4) and Chew Gaik Teang (5)

According to a niece Sally Chew Soak Heng aunt Khim did not marry. In our home at Gopeng our grandmother Toh Bok Wai was handicapped and had a servant to look after her. Our 4th aunt Gaik Suan too was bedridden and had a servant to tend to her.

But 1st and 2nd aunts Gaik Khim and Gaik Khee looked after their 4th sister. Although there was a servant to tend to her the 2 sisters were around the whole day looking after her”.

After our grandmother & 4th aunty passed away aunts Khim and Khee stayed in Ipoh with our 5th aunt Helen Chew Gaik Teang. Aunt Teang had married and had 2 sons.

Niece Adeline Chew Soak Leng said her aunt was conservative but mixed freely only when she was with her cousins.

She said that Gaik Khim was especially friendly with cousins Chew Gaik Kuan d/o Chew Boon Hong and Chew Gaik Looi d/o Chew Boon Juan.

Amongst Cousins. Standing (from left) Chew Gaik Looi, Chew Ah Heng, Kwan lu-Foon, Chew Gaik Choo, Chew Gaik Khim, Chew Gaik Kuan. Seated: Chew Ah Pik, Chew Gaik Tiew, Chew Gaik Poh, Chew Gaik See.          Photo: Goh Kwee Leng album.

Occasionally she would spend the day with the cousins in Ipoh. At other times she would join her cousins during school holidays at Chew Boon Juan’s Penang home, their holiday homes at Penang Hill or Cameron Highlands. In later years she would go along cruises to Hong Kong with her cousins.

Yeoh Poh See, another relative, said that Aunt Gaik Khim always mixed with us. She would bring her youngest sister Gaik Teang along. Because of their difference in years of their ages we would tease “Kimmee (Gaik Khim) your daughter is crying”.

Yeoh Saw Kin a relative said that she remembered that Aunt Gaik Khim had lived in Gopeng. She visited Chew Boon San with her mother Chew Gaik Tiew as a little girl during Chinese New Year.

"Khim wanted to look after her mother so she missed the chance of getting married. She was a beautiful girl. When she was in Penang there would be a lot of cars that would come around to No 4 North Beach road, Chew Boon Juan's home"

Another relative confirmed that one of her uncles was very interested in Khim and considered her very beautiful but alas it was one sided.

Above (from left) sisters Helen Chew Gaik Teong, Chew Gaik Khim and Chew Gaik Poh. Seated niece Chew Woon Teng, Helen's son and Chang Poh Yoke wife of Choo Peng

Saw Kin said that aunt Khim was adventurous. "Sometime in the mid 70’s Gaik Khim and Gaik Looi visited me in London. That year I came home to Ipoh and told her to get the key to my house from my neighbor. I also had a good English housekeeper who used to cook for me and she took just the 2 of them for a tour round London". 

In the early 2000's Khim and Khee were placed in a nursing home. Khim had a stroke and needed support while Khee had dementia. Both aunts passed away not long after.  According to nephew Chew Pete Cheung, his aunt Khim was in her 90’s.


Thursday, 6 January 2022

Marriage of Goh Beng Teong and Ong Choo See

Who’s who list.

Bride. Ong Choo See daughter of Chew Gaik Hoon (2nd daughter of Chew Boon Juan and Goh Lean Kee) and Ong Kok Hoo.

Groom. Goh Beng Teong son of Chew Gaik Poh (4th daughter of Chew Boon Juan and Goh Lean Kee) and Goh Kim Sai

Best Man. Choong Ewe Hock son of  Chew Gaik Tau (daughter of Chew Boon Hong)


1        1. Grace Ooi daughter of Chew Gaik Choo (9th daughter of Chew Boon Juan and Goh Lean Kee) and Wong Kim Bee

2        2. Mimi Ang daughter of Chew Gaik See (8th daughter of Chew Boon Juan and Goh Lean Kee) and Charles Ang

1)    Flower girls. Dorothy and Sophia Lo daughters of Chew Gaik Swee (10th daughter of Chew Boon Juan and Goh Lean Kee) and Lo Chung Liang.